Breast cancer awareness can be a lifesaver for seniors and caregivers
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There’s a lot of pink around, like those ribbon loops you see everywhere.
Strengthen your caregiver bond by asking, does it really matter?
This one is a funny one, at least on the surface.
It’s more than your family tree: Making Family History Month meaningful for seniors
Family History Month has been a national October celebration for the last 20 years. It’s a great time to connect with your family’s story through activities everyone- e
4 Straightforward ways for seniors to practice positive aging
Positivity isn’t the same old game it used to be. It’s much more dynamic now days, as mental health becomes more of a priority and mental illness less of a stigma. Bein
Therapy for seniors: Addressing the common issues of aging
If you’re part of the Silent Generation or a Boomer, then mental health probably wasn’t a part of your social discourse growing up. This is pretty evident to me in disc
Combatting digital ageism: How we can help seniors adapt
We’ve all chuckled at the giant font our parents use on their phones (even if we use it too), or been guilty of telling your mom or dad to hand over their phone so you can fi
The surprising benefits of creativity for healthy aging
If you are an older adult, you already know about the standard elements of healthy aging. You should:
Preventing falls: A guide for older adults and their caregivers
The first day of fall is September 22, 2021.
3 Ways to set up your caregiving relationship for success
The relationship between a caregiver and a senior can be one of the most important in that person’s life, especially in the later stages. A caregiver can become your companio