Celebrating the senior in your life on Wonderful Weirdos Day


More than ever, we need to let our inner weirdo out.

We’re still in the middle of a pandemic, and we’ll feel the effects of the fear, uncertainty and isolation for years to come.

That’s why, whenever we can, we should be silly and goofy and do things that don’t have any purpose to them.

Wonderful Weirdos Day is as good of a day as any if you’re looking for an excuse to break out of your normal and respectable routine. And it’s a day we can do this with the seniors in our lives- because they deserve time and space to have fun and get weird too.

Wonderful Weirdos Day comes around every September 9th. The holiday started in Austin Texas in 2000, which makes sense. Locals proudly sport the slogan “Keep Austin Weird” on bumper stickers and t-shirts, and are known for their unique music scene.

So if just for a day, join in the revelry of weirdness.

1. Allow seniors to have their independence


This is step one.

If a senior feels like they’re being stifled in their daily life, they won’t feel free to be themselves. We’ve covered why it’s important to not infantilize seniors by talking in elder speak, or to stereotype their experience. You can read more about how to not be an ageist here.

The more independence our elders feel they have, the more free they’ll feel to express themselves and their needs. Seniors are dynamic individuals, just like the rest of us.

With independence and respect comes trust. And trust breeds curiosity and deeper relationships.

2. Do some weird activities together


If you’re a caregiver, Wonderful Weirdos Day is an excuse to do something out of the ordinary, and to let your freak flag fly.

Who cares who’s watching? If anyone gives you a suspicious look or asks you what you’re up to- just tell them they should also be celebrating Wonderful Weirdos Day.

You can use these activities to get some ideas for other caregiver activities.

Make weird art. Be creative here, not utilitarian. Maybe you can fashion a ferry house to put in the woods, or make a birdhouse that is too small for birds.


-Watch a weird movie. There’s plenty of them out there. Napoleon Dynamite is a more recent one that comes to mind. For something more of the Boomer generation, there’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

There’s plenty of quirky ‘80s movies, like Pretty in Pink and Weird Science, both of which you can watch with Amazon Prime.

-Listen to music with lyrics that don’t make sense. There’s also plenty of these out there. The Talking Heads alone can take up hours of listening time.

-Eat weird food. There’s green eggs and ham to start, but it might not be so appetizing for everyone. Spoon University has a list of weird food combinations that are actually tasty, such as mango and chile or avocado and chocolate. Or you can daydream about travels to a far off country and all the weird food you can eat there.

-Dress up your pet in a weird costume. Go for a walk in the park and show them off. See if anyone asks what the occasion is. Mud Bay- the local pet shop in the Seattle and Eastside area- usually has some fun dog costumes. You can check out their locations here.

-Take photos. Snap some pics of strange things you see, or be goofy together in front of the camera.

3. Talk about weird stuff from the past

This strange holiday can also be a good time to get to know the senior in your life better. After all, they probably lived a very different life before you came into the picture.

You may assume that you know all there is to know about your family member/loved one. But I’m often surprised when I ask my grandparents about their past, and the lives they led before they had kids or grandkids.

Questions to ask:

-What’s the craziest, or weirdest thing they’ve ever done?

-What’s the worst decision they’ve ever made? We’ve all got that instance when we just don’t know what we were thinking.

-What would their life look like if they had taken a different path, or made different decisions?

-What alternate life would they have lived if responsibility, gender roles and social norms didn’t matter?

And once you get the 4-1-1 from them, it’s your time to dish.

Of course, being weird is all about being true to yourself. So celebrate however you see fit and don’t be shy about letting your freak flag fly.

4. Work with an in-home care company that knows how to have fun

At SeaCare, our first priority is making sure your loved one is living their best life. We believe a big part of that is having fun appreciating the small moments in life.

Give us a call to find out how we’re helping seniors have more fun.

Megan Marolf writes about senior topics and outdoor recreation from her home base in Seattle. You can read more about her here.




If you or a loved one you know are looking for additional support during this time and are interested in scheduling a free in-home assessment, please contact SeaCare In-Home Care Services today! A SeaCare family member is standing by. 425-559-4339.