Intro to CBD: A few ways CBD oil can benefit seniors
What is CBD? CBD stands for cannabis oil, which is a compound found in the cannabis or marijuana plant.
How seniors and caregivers can enjoy art this month
It’s American Artist Appreciation Month, which gives us all an excuse to be a little more hedonist this month and relish in the local art scene we’re blessed with in th
Things to consider when caring for someone with a disability
National Disability Day honors the day when the Americans with Disabilities Act became a law. The civil right legislation increased access and opportunities and prohibits discrimin
Ideas for getting caregivers and seniors outside this National Park Month
We are blessed in Washington state to have not only ample outdoor space to roam around, but 3 beautiful national parks that people come from around the world to visit.
What to look for in an in-home care company in the Seattle area
Like anything on the internet, the choices for finding an in-home care company can be completely overwhelming.
Learning the signs of elder abuse and how to prevent it in caregiving
June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month, which offers a chance to examine what can be done about the widespread issue.
5 Ways to support our LGBTQ seniors in the Seattle area
Every June marks the celebration of Pride, when people around the world celebrate the culture and achievements of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender and Queer people. It’s in
Why you should care: Immigrant caregivers are essential to in-home care
The caregiver that you find for your loved one, or that they find for themselves is one of the most important relationships they’ll have in their lives. This person may not o