7 Fun Indoor Activities for Seniors and Caregivers to Enjoy

Last year’s census brought forth one particularly shocking detail. Soon, there will be more elderly people than children for the first time in America’s history.
As those we love get older, it’s important to spend more quality time with them.
While you can’t always get out of the house, you can still have a blast with your favorite senior!
Here are seven indoor activities for seniors that are sure to make for a fun day.
1. Complete a Puzzle
Puzzles are fun at any age.
But seniors get even more benefits out of dusting off that old jigsaw.
Studies show that solving jigsaw puzzles can keep seniors’ minds sharp and can target the parts of the brain that deteriorate through neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Plus, they’re quite affordable, so you can pick up several at a time and stow them away for later.
2. Watch Old Home Movies
Sometimes it’s nice to take a stroll down memory lane. But seniors don’t always feel up to talking.
That’s what makes home movies so special. They capture our most cherished memories and allow us to play them back whenever we want.
Watching home movies reminds seniors that they’re loved and lifts their spirits.
To go above and beyond, you can even digitize those old home movies so your loved one can watch them whenever they want.
3. Learn a Skill Together
We’ve never been believed that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
In fact, we believe that continuous learning is important and that most seniors are every bit as sharp as they were when they were young. To keep those cognitive abilities up (and to get some great bonding time) try learning something new together.
There are thousands of tutorials on sites like YouTube that teach everything from knitting to basic home repair.
If you’re interested in something a bit more academic, you can even take free classes online together.
4. Swap Stories
We sometimes forget that our loved ones had rich, full lives before us. Take a breather and let your family member tell you about their favorite memories.
You’ll be amazed at how much just sitting and listening to them means.
5. Cook
Nutrition matters more and more as we get older. According to the World Health Organization, seniors are especially at risk of malnutrition.
While we can’t force them to eat healthy when we’re not around, cooking with them is a great way to establish healthy habits.
Find some quick and easy recipes online and adapt them to how your senior eats.
6. Play Board and Card Games
Let’s face it, board games are just flat-out fun.
Break out your copy of Monopoly or snag a deck of cards for a fun, easy way to spend some time with the special senior in your life.
You’ll get to have fun and make some truly amazing memories in the process. What’s not to love?
7. Try Chair Exercises
We could all use a little more exercise in our lives.
However, it isn’t always easy for seniors to get up and work out, especially if they have mobility issues.
Chair exercises are the perfect solution. Check out some quick and easy exercises that anyone can do regardless of age or mobility.
These Indoor Activities for Seniors Make for a Fun, Productive Day!
Whether it’s raining, your loved one is feeling under the weather, or they’re housebound, these indoor activities for seniors will keep you having fun for hours at a time. Give them a shot!
Are you looking for more senior care resources? Get in touch today and let’s discuss your family’s needs or call us at 425-559-4339.